According to the relativity of debts, contract rights and responsibilities only occurs between the two sides of the contract, and so the creditor can only make requests to whom he had credited, the direct debtor, for an obligation to the contract. 根据债的相对性规则,合同权利、义务关系仅发生在当事人之间,债权人要实现自己的债权,只能向债务人请求依约履行。
The ceding insurance company shall not decline or delay fulfilling its obligation of the direct insurance on the basis that the reinsurer fails to fulfill the reinsurance obligation. 再保险分出人不得以再保险接受人未履行再保险责任为由,拒绝履行或者迟延履行其原保险责任。
The clients ( commissioner) do not have direct relations with their transaction partner, and the futures companies are the direct tenants of the rights and obligation in the futures transaction. 委托人不直接和交易对手发生关系,期货经纪公司是期货交易中直接的权利义务主体。
In shareholder's derivative action, though the shareholder as the plaintiff is not regarded as the direct subject of obligation, he is closely related to the action in terms of interests due to his right as a shareholder. 在股东派生诉讼中,原告股东虽非诉讼标的的直接义务主体,但在实质上,基于其股东权却与诉讼标的有着难以割舍的利害关系。
Theoretical basis of mono-check mode in court trial procedure is strictly observing direct verbal principle, litigants 'obligation of stating the facts truly and promoting action, and the basic requirements of empirical rule. 庭审单方审查模式的理论基础是:直接言词原则的严格要求、当事人的真实陈述义务、当事人的诉讼促进义务以及经验法则的基本要求。
From the direct effect theory to the indirect effect theory, and then to the State obligation to protect theory. 从最初的直接效力理论到间接效力理论再到国家保护义务理论。
I using the server standard, the defendant is direct infringement, using the user standard the defendant belong to indirect infringement. 4, Whether the defendant bear website content review obligation infringement. 若采用服务器标准,被告则是直接侵权,采用用户标准可属于间接侵权。4、被告是否承担网站侵权内容审查义务。
The second view is based on the criticism of the Kantian deontological position that animals which have no ration are not moral subjects, and therefore they can not have moral status, where they do not bear a direct obligation. 是基于康德式义务论立场的批判,认为动物没有理性,不是道德主体,因此不能拥有道德地位,人们对其也不负有直接义务。
Legal liability is due to infringe upon the legal rights or violation of statutory obligation entitled by the state organs. And it is a mandatory legal relationship which involves the main direct obligation, namely result in the violation of statutory obligations incurred by the primary reflections. 法律责任是由于侵犯法定权利或违反法定义务而引发的、由专门国家机关认定并归结于法律关系的有责主体、带有直接强制性的义务,即由于违反第一性法定义务而招致的第二性义务。
Although a direct result of the behavior of the consequences of the crime occurred the state no obligation or limitation of liability capacity, resulting in this state because it is free. 虽然直接导致犯罪结果发生的行为是处于无责任能力或限制责任能力状态,但导致这一状态出现的原因却是自由的。
This theory as a direct result of that obligation in practice is antagonistic relations between the two sides and the trend has become stronger. 这一理论在实践中造成的直接后果,就是征纳双方关系得对立,而且有愈演愈烈的趋势。